Profile of Contemporary Don Quixote

生まれ: 昭和13年Born: 1938
出身地: 天草(熊本県)Hometown: Amakusa (Kumamoto Prefecture)
学歴: 慶応義塾大学法学部法律学科卒業Academic Background: Graduated from Keio University's Faculty of Law
職業: 特許翻訳者(70歳で引退)Occupation: Translator of Patent Documents (Retired at the age of 70)
趣味: サイクリング、囲碁Hobby: Cycling and Japanese Chess (Go Board-Game)
好物: カニFavorite: Crabmeat
住所: 埼玉県川越市Address: Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture

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