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invocation example of Grapviz extension

ATTENTION:: Earlier implementation of graphviz command did not worked correctly, because I almost focused on graphviz-hook command.

Current implementation is tested well on Mercurial 0.9.3 - 0.9.5.

The easiest way to generate both image and client side image map files automatically is using graphviz-hook command.

You can generate them, which are equivalent to the example shown in this page, by it with such graphviz section in your hgrc file.

#### result destination file

#### to group revisions by date
#### to render date grouping label in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format
opt.cluster-attr-hook=lambda r, b, d: (
    d and ('label="%%s-%%s-%%s"' %% (d[:-4], d[-4:-2], d[-2:])))
#### to link Mercurial official repository
#### to limit target revisions by datetime


#### to save generated DOT language source
#### to render graph in "bottom to top" direction
#### to create client side image map file, too
graphviz section configuration

graphviz-hook with above configuration is almost equivalent to command invocations shown below.

% cd ${HGROOT}
% hg graphviz \
    --group-by-date \
    --cluster-attr-hook \
      "lambda r, b, d: (\
           d and ('label=\"%s-%s-%s\"' % (d[:-4], d[-4:-2], d[-2:])))" \
    --urlbase \
    --datetime \
    2007-07-01T00:00:00,2007-07-31T99:99:99 > .hg/
% dot -T jpg -o .hg/revtree.jpg -Grankdir=BT .hg/
% dot -T cmapx -o .hg/revtree.html -Grankdir=BT .hg/revtree.html
equivalent command invocations

The datetime values on which "datetime range"/"date grouping" bases on are gotten from change log in repository, and converted to local time at invocation environment. So, (1) selection of target revisions may not correct, and (2) distributed development crossing multiple timezones may not fit to group-by-date option.