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( Vertex Slider for Low-Poly modelers )

[ Japanese description ] is in below part of this page.
[ 日本語の説明 ] はこのページの下のほうにあります。

< English Part >

ZURASHI-KUN [ Vertex slider for Low-Poly modelers ] can move a vertex T on the edge AB, along the edge AB .(Fig.1)

Fig.1 Fig.2

In Fig.2-1, when the edge A-T0-B is not a straight one, ZURASHI-KUN moves T0 to T1 on straight line between A and B in Fig.2-2 first, and then slides T1 along the edge AB.

ZURASHI-KUN requires selecting three vertices. One is you want to move(T), the others are for define a edge (A and B) .


In ZURASHI-KUN, a vertex you want to slide is called as "Target", and two vertices that define an edge referred by the Target are called as"1st-End" and "2nd-End". (Fig.3) It is swappable specifying 1st-End and 2nd-End.


When you want to move the edge AB to A1B1 as shown in Fig.4-1 and Fig.4-2, and you move AB merely, it results A2B2 shown in Fig.4-3. If you want to get A1B1 from AB, the vertex A is required to move along the edge CD. To utilize moving a vertex along the edge it is on, I decided to make this plug-in, ZURASHI-KUN for Low-Poly modelers.


New feature! UV editing!

In version 2, ZURASHI-KUN now has UV edit feature. Moving a vertex may be caused texture distortion. This feature will solve this problem. ZURASHI-KUN can do UV Editing with only Target is selected as shown in 1 of Fig.5. From this, you can use ZURASHI-KUN as a UV retouch tool.

Usually a vertex is contained by some faces. Because of this, a vertex has its face number of UV values. ZURASHI-KUN shows all UV entries owned by Target vertex in the list 3 in Fig.5. Checkboxes(2 in Fig.5) determines UV entry that will be manipulated. When you select an UV entry in the list 3 in Fig.5, ZURASHI-KUN shows a face related to selected UV entry (A in Fig.5).

Fig.5 shows that you selected T as Target, checked second UV entry, selected second UV entry, and ZURASHI-KUN showed related face A, manipulated U value only in face A.

You can manipulate UV values also from keyboard. CTRL+Cursor-Left(Left arrow) or CTRL+Cursor-Right (Right arrow) change U value 0.001 to every key press. CTRL+Cursor-UP(UP arrow) or CTRL+Cursor-Down(Down arrow) change V value 0.001 to every key press. When you press this keys with shift key, UV value will be changed 0.01 to every key press.

< Japanese Part >


図1 図2













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