# # This is the default standard .login provided to csh users. # They are expected to edit it to meet their own needs. # # The commands in this file are executed when a csh user first # logs in. This file is processed after .cshrc. # # Last modified '96/08/02 # if(`uname -s` == Linux) then setenv XWINHOME /usr/X386 endif # Set the interrupt character to Ctrl-c and do clean backspacing. #if ( `uname -s` == Linux && -t 0) then # stty intr "^C" #endif # Set the TERM environment variable if( `uname -s` != NonStop-UX && `uname -s` != Linux ) then if( -e /usr/bin/tset ) then eval `tset -s -Q` endif endif # Set the default X server. if ($?DISPLAY == 0) then if ($?REMOTEHOST) then setenv DISPLAY ${REMOTEHOST}:0 else setenv DISPLAY :0 # if( `uname -s` != NonStop-UX ) then if( `hostname` == lhuga ) then xhost - xhost + localhost endif endif endif stty cs8 -istrip if( `uname -s` != NonStop-UX && `uname -s` != HP-UX ) then stty dec else stty intr ^c stty kill ^u stty erase ^h endif if (! $?REMOTEHOST) then # IRIS のオーディオの音量を設定 if( -x /usr/sbin/audiopanel ) then /usr/sbin/audiopanel -nodisplay -outlevels 3 endif # X サーバのキーマップ設定 if( -e .Xmodmaprc ) then if ( -x /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap ) then if( $DISPLAY != "tomato.example.com:0" && $DISPLAY != "uno.example.com:0" ) then /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap .Xmodmaprc endif endif endif endif if( ! $?MANPATH) then setenv MANPATH /usr/share/catman:/usr/share/man:/usr/catman:/usr/man:/usr/local/man:/usr2/local/man:/usr2/local/man/cat endif